Cassandra, solutions

cassandra nodetool


Cassandra makes it easy to manage its cluster, one or more nodes joined together on a distributed decentralized fashion. Nodetool is a built-in command line interface to view stats, administer, data backup and recovery, tracing etc.

Nodetool is located at <cassandra-installation-dir>/bin/nodetool, like /opt/cassandra/nodetool.

If we are said to manage a running cluster of Cassandra, use these following commands to gain an overview of the cluster.

command 1: info

$ nodetool info

Provides node information including the token and on disk storage (load) information, times started (generation), uptime in seconds, and heap memory usage.

command 2: status

$ nodetool status
$ nodetool status <keyspace>

Provide information about the cluster, such as the state, load, and IDs. Status command with a Keyspace provides, data owned by that node for the specified keyspace.

command 3: ring

$ nodetool ring
$ nodetool ring <keyspace>

Ring command is similar to status command; it provides the data ownership on each token with in a ring.

command 4: describecluster

$ nodetool describecluster

Provide the name, snitch, partitioner and schema version of a cluster. Schema version should be the same for all nodes within a cluster
